April Fool Whatsapp Status Messages

April Fool Whatsapp Status MessagesDownload Image
“Somethings made for each other like bread and butter, fork and knife, paper and pen and you and stupidity….. Happy Fool’s Day to the best foolish friend!!!”

“Scientists have finally been able to spot the difference between a man and a monkey….. Man sends messages and monkey reads messages….. Have a wonderfool Fool’s Day.”

“If people call you crazy then don’t believe them….. If people call you stupid then believe them because they are saying it all right….. A Happy Fool’s Day to you.”

There is a virus who just entered your brains but he died because he failed to find any brains inside your head…. Happy April Fool’s Day dear.”

I got severe headache last night and my doctor prescribed me to write send a stupid message to some foolish person and that’s what I just did.

Humans fall in love but what is strange is that monkeys can actually handle mobile phones….. Happy April Fool’s Day foolish.

You are so stylish but you are also very foolish and on April 1st I want to you that you are the best foolish I know.

I feel the happiest to wish you on the most special day of your life and that is today….. May you always entertain us with your stupidity…. Happy Fool’s Day!!!

This picture was submitted by Smita Haldankar.

See More here: April Fool's Day


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  • April Fool Whatsapp Status
  • April Fool Messages for Friends
  • Whatsapp Happy April Fool’s Message
  • April Fools Day Messages
  • Whatsapp Fooling Messages
  • Funny April Fool’s Message Image For Friends
  • Happy April Fool Day
  • April Fool's Day

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