Happy Father’s Day Messages From Son

Happy Father’s Day Messages From SonDownload Image
Dad! You will always be my hero,
no matter what. I love you.
Happy Father’s Day!

Dear Dad, you’re my superman,
which makes me your super son!
Happy Fathers Day!

I’m not the prince of the world
but at least I’m the prince of my father’s kingdom.
Happy Father’s Day to my lovely dad.
I feel blessed to be your son.

Happy Fathers Day!
There is no unconditional love on earth
greater than the love of a father to his son.

People in my class often watch motivational videos.
But, I don’t. Because you’re my source of motivation, Dad.
Someday I hope to be just like you.
Happy Father’s Day!

You’re the true hero from my childhood.
Times may have changed but the things
I have learned from you are both ageless
and priceless. Happy Fathers Day!

Dad, you are the definition of a ‘good human’
and a ‘perfect father’ to me. I hope I can follow
your path as well. Happy Father’s Day to you!

Dear Father, Happy Father’s Day!
You are the most inspiring figure in my life.
Thank you for teaching me all the good values and practices.

Father! To me, you are the definition of
inspiration, courage, and unconditional love.
Happy Father’s Day, my old man.

It’s our heart that connects us and
makes us father and son.
Happy Father’s Day, dad!

Happy father’s day, dad.
Thank you for teaching me everything
I know and making me who I am.

Sons take their fathers as their role model;
and I’m so proud to have the coolest role model ever!

You’ve been my best friend since my first day
on earth and you’ll be the same till my last.
Happy father’s day.

Happy Father’s Day, Dad.
Thank you for letting me have both
your jeans and your genes.
I love you very much.

This picture was submitted by Smita Haldankar.

See More here: Father's Day


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