Happy World Animal Day Messages

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They cannot speak for themselves…. They cannot fight for themselves…..
Therefore, it is our duty to speak for them and fight for their rights….
Happy World Animal Day to all.

Life is equally dear to a mute creature as it is to us…..
They also want a life full of happiness and no pain….
On this World Animal Day, let us promise to become more responsible towards animals.

Animals are as important as plants and humans to Mother Earth
and our life depends on them because we are all a part of the same cycle….
Let us protect this cycle by protecting them…. Happy World Animals Day.

God created animals and then God created humans to take care of them….
Let us make World Animal Day more meaningful by taking care of
these sweet, helpless animals who are dependent on us for their betterment.

Here’s to wishing that the government and forest ministers
take more steps to stop poaching and hunting of animals.
Happy World Animals Day!

It is the duty of every single human being that we help
any animal that we see in pain and not just turn our backs on them.
Happy World Animals Day!

Animals are mute creatures who need our love and concern
in this ever-advancing digital world. Happy World Animals Day!

Let us spare a thought for those four-legged creatures
who are often victimized because of the activities of the human race.
Happy World Animals Day!

You will have experienced the best and purest form of love
in the world if you have ever been loved by an animal.
Happy World Animals Day!

If you want to find solace, get lost in an animal’s eyes.
Happy World Animals Day!

Fight for the rights of the animals because we are all
they have to fight against corrupted and cruel people.
Happy World Animals Day!

Here’s to taking this opportunity to say that more number of
animal clinics should be set up. Happy World Animals Day!

This picture was submitted by Smita Haldankar.

See More here: World Animals Day


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