Happy World Animal Day Quotes

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Treat animals as your friends and this world will be
a beautiful place to live together….
Happy World Animals Day.

Let us accept and embrace animals because they are
the part of our existence and must be loved and respected….
Best wishes on World Animals Day.

The worst sin is not to hate an animal but it is
to be indifferent towards an animal…
Let us respect them all.

We can judge a man by the way he treats the animals…..
Wishing a very Happy World Animals Day.

Let us spare a thought for those four-legged creatures
who are often victimized because of the activities of
the human race. Happy World Animals Day!

t is the duty of every single human being that we help
any animal that we see in pain and not just turn our backs on them.
Happy World Animals Day!

You will have experienced the best and purest form of love
in the world if you have ever been loved by an animal.
Happy World Animals Day!..

Animals are mute creatures who need our love and
concern in this ever-advancing digital world.
Happy World Animals Day!..

Animals are a wonderful part of nature that must be preserved
and protected. Here’s wishing everyone a Happy World Animals Day!.

This picture was submitted by Smita Haldankar.

See More here: World Animals Day


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