Shab e Barat Mubarak Messages

Shab e Barat Mubarak MessagesDownload Image
As we celebrate Shab e Barat, I pray to Allah to forgive us and our sins and always guide us through our lives. Shab e Barat Mubarak to you.

On the occasion of Shab e Barat, I wish that Allah forgives all your sins and is always there to bless you and your loved ones. Shab e Barat Mubarak to you.

Extending warm greetings on the occasion of Shab e Barat to you. Let us seek forgiveness and salvation from Allah on this special occasion.

Shab e Barat is the night when the fate of each and every person is decided and I wish that you get the best of it. Happy Shab e Barat to you.

Wishing a very Happy Shab e Barat to you. Let us make this night a memorable one by offering prayers and seeking forgiveness from Allah.

This picture was submitted by Smita Haldankar.

See More here: Shab e Barat


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