Sharad Purnima Whatsapp Status

Sharad Purnima Whatsapp StatusDownload Image
May Maa Laxmi come in your home and bless you with prosperity on Sharad Purnima.

Sharad Purnima ko aap aur aapke parivar par Som Ras barse aur sukh samridhi ki Varsha ho.

Aao saath milkar Purna Chandrama ka aashirvad sir niva kar paayein aur Jeevan ko samridh banayein.

Sharad Purnima is that auspicious day when Moon showers us with its choicest blessings.

Let us make the most of Sharad Purnima by spending time under the divine rays of Moon.

“Warm wishes on Sharad Purnima to you…. May the softness of moonshine bring along happiness, health and joy in your life.”

“Wishing a very Happy Sharad Purnima…. May the nectar from heaven fill your life and heart with eternal joy….. Have a wonderful Sharad Purnima!!!”

This picture was submitted by Smita Haldankar.

See More here: Sharad Purnima


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