World No Tobacco Day Messages

World No Tobacco Day Messages
“The journey of thousand miles starts with a single step….. take the first step to your goal by saying no to tobacco.”

“You are not living if you are smoking….. you are taking small steps towards a disastrous life….. Say no to smoking and tobacco to live a healthier and happier life.”

“The only thing that tobacco brings along with it is disease which later converts in death and despair for your loved one…. Save yourself and your family from a disaster like this by quitting tobacco.”

“The person who genuinely loves his family and friends would never touch tobacco, would never smoke but he is genuinely concerned about the people…. Decide whether you actually love them or you don’t before every smoke you take.”

“Cigarettes are killers who you yourself buy to kill you….. Truly this is not a sign of a smart and wise man.”

“Smoke and tobacco are never solutions to stress and tension…. Rather these two are the biggest tensions on which you must work by throwing them out of your life.”

“Tambaku aur dhumra paan jeevan mein sirf dukh aur dard hi lekar aate hain…. Yadi parivar mein chahte ho hasi aur khushali toh is ne naata tod kar sawaro apna jeevan ek shudh aur samridh vatavaran mein.”

With time you will realize that you are getting sick of tobacco….. make sure that this realization comes to you before it is too late.”

“By saying no to tobacco, you are saying no to various problems in your life…. Take no time to give up on this habit because it has the potential to ruin your present and future!!”

“We all can contribute a little towards our environment, our family and our friends and that is to quit smoking and give up tobacco…. Lets take pledge to make our environment free from tobacco on No Tobacco Day!!!”

“Even the healthiest of the person can transform into an unhealthy and unlively person by using tobacco…. Let us be more responsible individuals by not letting tobacco spread into our lives…. Let us say no to tobacco.”

“Tobacco is a slow poison which kills us and kills our loved ones gradually every day…. Let us save the lives of our loved ones from this poison which is ruining our lives and murdering our happiness and health…. Say no to tobacco.”

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