Epiphany Messages

Epiphany Messages

This Epiphany will bring peace, joy and happiness in your lives. The three kings will show you the road to right path.

Sing and praise the lord on the occasion of Epiphany, Baby Jesus is bestowed on the Earth from Heaven. The Earth sings Alleluah to the heaven.

All the men should raise and praise the lord who is above all on greater heights in heaven. May this Epiphany bring happiness and the light to right path in your life.

Inspiration can come with small good actions. If you wait for some great Epiphany to happen, you may be waiting for a lifetime.

I want an Epiphany for seven days and angels around all throughout the year.

The central Epiphany has happened through wilderness in any religion.

The biggest Epiphany is life. It is amusing and we never when it will end.

Gratitude bestows reverence this leads to wonderful Epiphany.

Sometimes the dreams that come true are the dreams that you even never knew that you had them.

You can never discover something new based on your rational thinking, you have to think different than the obvious.

With realization of one’s own potential and self-confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world. There cannot be Epiphany without quest.

The day I saw you, I realized that you are my Epiphany. I am blessed to have you in my life.

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