Best Good Night Messages To Friends

Best Good Night Messages To Friends

As I look up at these wonderful starts, I am reminded of you and I feel special to have a friend even brighter than the starts. Good night my dear friend. Sleep well.

A friend like you does not come along every day. You put a spring in my step along life’s way. You are my strength and my support.

Each day before going to sleep I just thank god for gifting mw such a wonderful friend like you. Thank you for being a part of my life. Wishing you a lovely night sleep. Good night. Sleep well.

You were first just a familiar stranger, and soon from a stranger you became a friend. Today, you are more than just a friend to me. You are my best-est friend. Goodnight my dearest, I love you.

As you go to sleep this night, I wish that the stars will shine bright for you. Goodnight my dearest friend, I will always love you.

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