Good Night Funny SMS

Good Night Funny SMS

चारो तरफ है फैली Moon,
मच्छर भी देने को बेताब है आपको LoveBite,
तकिये को गले लगा के सोना Tight,
बोले तो वो स्वीट ड्रीम्स वाला “Good Night”!!
शुभ रात्री शुभ स्वप्न

Night is a Theater,
Dream is a Movie,
God is the Director,
Nature is the Producer,
Your the Hero
‘Enjoy’ the night with Sweet Dreams.

Since the owls have taken over the world to guard,
and vampires to look after all of us,
take a break from worldly ventures and hit your bed.
Have A Happy Night And Sweet Dreams.

Sleep as early as you can
so that you can dream about all the pranks
we can play in class and all the fun
we can have at school tomorrow.
Good night.

I used up all my energy in laughing all day!
You’re all fantastic!
Let’s recharge for we need more energy tomorrow.
Good night!

Don’t forget to brush your teeth and
wash your hand and face before sleeping.
You have to meet me tomorrow.
So go to the washroom.
Good night buddy.

I hope there are no bugs in your bed.
Last time I found some.
I think your bed is clean now.
Now sleep, my friend.
Good night.

If you feel lonely in this night,
think about the scary faces and ghosts.
Can you see them?
Good night my friend.
Have a nice sleep.

In this night I hope that you will stop using mobile
and go to sleep after reading my message.
Now keep the phone away and sleep well dear.
Good night.

I wish I could be the moon.
I would give anything to watch you sleep.
Your beauty is unparalleled and makes the North star seem dim.
May your dreams be wonderful and your rest be plentiful.
Good night my love.

Do you know why we close our eyes?
When we pray, when we cry, when we dream?
Because the most beautiful things in life are unseen and felt by the heart only,
Good night my love.

The good people sleep much better at night than the bad people.
Of course, the bad people enjoy the waking hours much more.
Good night!

Let the most beautiful dream come to you tonight,
Let the sweetest person come in your dream tonight
but don’t make it a habit, Because I’m not free every night,
Good Night!

Thinking about you mode activated!
Missing you in progress!
If you are awake,
reply to deactivate thinking mode.
Good night!

Let the most beautiful dream come to you tonight,
Let the sweetest person come in your dream tonight
but don’t make it a habit, Because I’m not free every night,
Good Night!

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