Mothers Day Whatsapp Status

Mothers Day Whatsapp Status
“Moms are the ones who do the work of a dozen and they don’t even charge a single penny.”

“You were my very first friend and then I realized that you were my friend for life.”

“Mom is like the safe where all your secrets are safe. She is like a locker where you can lock all your worries.”

“If you can see your mom smile every day then you must know that you are really lucky.”

“Having a mom to bless you, to talk to you is a signal that God really loves you a lot.”

“You are the home to your child who would always look for you. Happy Mother’s Day.”

“Warm wishes to new mom on Mother’s Day. May this journey of motherhood be always blessed.”

“There is no better feeling in this world than to know that you mean the world to someone.”

“A mom and her child always grow together with each passing day, forming a bond of love.”

“Mother is like the heartbeat of the home and without her, nothing feels alive.”

“We must call moms magicians as they can do all the work in the world with just two hands.”

“There is only love and gratitude that I have for you in my heart. Love you mom.”

“I count you million times when I count my blessings because you mean the world to me.”

“When nothing is right, just call your mom and things will start falling in place.”

“When I hear your sound, when I rest in your lap, there is nothing more I want in life.”

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