Happy Valentines Day Wishes And Messages

Happy Valentines Day Messages

I love you for all you are,
all you have been and all you will be…
I love you more and I love you forever!
Happy Valentine’s Day

I am so totally,
deliciously in love with you!
Happy Valentine’s Day!

No queen has ever loved her king
the way you love me.
You are the real King.
Love you my dear,
Happy Valentine’s Day!

When in the dark of the night my eyes see the roof,
You come from nowhere and shut my eyes,
And I see bliss.
Love you my dear.
Happy Valentine’s Day.

The day we met was the day when I decided to make you my laugh, hug, cry and crime partner. Love you, darling.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Cupid made us come together and bind us in an invincible bond. After living so many years with you I still fall for you every day. Happy Valentine’s Day!
I loved you once
I loved you still
I always have
I always will.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

I am so much in love with you that I have started loving every flaw of you. Be my Valentine darling.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

If I have to live a day without you in life then I don’t want it to come or it should be the last day.
Happy Valentine’s Day, love!

Since the time I met you life has turned into a beautiful romantic movie. I am so much in love with you, my Valentine!

Love may be just a four letter word for some but it has changed my life completely. Thanks for coming in my life.
Happy Valentine’s Day Love!

People say all we need is money to live in this world but a little love never hurts.
Thanks for loving me so much, my valentine!

I wish the amazing relationship we share gets nurtured everyday and you become my Valentine forever.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Thank you for being with me
Yesterday, today and tomorrow
You are my love.
You are my life.
You are my love life!

I have read countless romantic novels and have watched several movies but found none like ours. Our love is so special, my love.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Not even all the chocolates in the world can measure up to your sweetness. This Valentine’s, be mine?
Happy Valentine’s Day!

We have come a long way complimenting each other for several things. Now, it’s time we should confess we are in love!. Be my valentine darling, I love you!

I want you to love me and never leave me
I love you lots
Be my valentine forever.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!
“I love you in the morning and in the afternoon.
I love you in the evening and underneath the moon.”

Hey, my valentine!
Thanks for being my sunshine on every cloudy day of life.
Love you lots!
Hugs and kisses!

I cannot lower the stars, climb high mountains or write great poems for you, but, I can love you forever my love.
Happy Valentine’s Day!!

Roses smell better, days seem sunnier, the world just becomes warmer. That’s the effect of you on me.
Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetheart. I love you!

Sometimes I think how I got so lucky to find you. But, then again when fates are connected, who can stop it? Love you, sweetie! Can’t wait to spend the day with you.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Even hundred hearts can’t carry the love and longing I have for you, darling. I love you so much.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

I don’ want to waste time writing love poems, buying expensive cards, saying cheesy ‘I love you’. All I want is to spend all my day’s time with you for the rest of my life.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Messages for Him

Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It’s not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end.

I’m always proud of your love. Happy Valentine’s Day.

Your passion ignites love, every time! Happy Valentine’s Day.
Thank God because he made me meet you in the journey of life.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

I love you because you are the man that I feel so comfortable with.
I love you because you showed me the true meaning of love
and the real feeling of how it is to be loved.
Happy Valentine’s Day my love!

You’re the one who filled
my life with joy
made me complete and, strong…
You have made my
dreams come true.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

You always know how to make me feel precious and beautiful.
Happy Valentine’s Day to the man of my dreams!

Take good care of yourself while you are away from me. You mean everything to me. I think of you always.

My heart wouldn’t be whole if haven’t found you.
I feel so lucky to have you. I love you.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Loving you is one of my dreams come true.
You are the knight that swept me off my feet!
I love you so much!

You and me together.
You and me beside each other.
Let us love one another, and share love like no other.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

I love you with all my heart.
You are the one that keeps me moving all the time.

My love for you will not be the same as before.
Because each day, it grows even more.

To smell the sweetness of your breath, to know the warmth of your touch, the see the light dance inside your eyes. These are the reasons I arise every morning.

I am blessed to have you in my life.
You mean everything to me.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

When I saw you I was afraid to meet you.
After meeting you,I was afraid to kiss you.
When I kissed you I was afraid to love you.
Now that Iam deeply in love with you I am afraid to lose you.

Love is the only flower that blooms in every season and in any weather.

May be St. Valentine is the most loved person in the world because he created a day for us lovers.

May you wake up smiling every day because that makes my world sunny!

To love, you need to listen to your heart. It is the only exam of life where it can help you score over others.

I lay awake last night wondering how life would be without you. Then I realized that there wouldn’t be a life when you are not there!
Happy Valentine’s Day my love.

I love your smile, your touch, the twinkle in your eyes when they look at me.

It’s already hard to find a person to fall in love with! So, now that I have found you I’ll not let you go.

Love is like a candle that burns itself to give glow and warmth to others!

Is love a magic?
I often thought!
I met the magician
Who said its not
But enchanted me for life
And made a spell on me
That I am still into
The magic of love
The magic by you!
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Love is the greatest creation of God. He filled our hearts with it so that we can appreciate the true beauty of His creation.

Sending lots of kisses and hugs your way so that you don’t feel lonely during the day.

You are the luckiest when you are being loved and I thank my stars for giving you to me. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Love gives you the strength to see rays of hope even during the darkest hours of life!

Ever since I met you, my heart only beats for you and my mind only thinks of you.

I have written a love story without an end. I want you to become a part of my life to give it a beautiful conclusion.

May all my smile be yours
All your tears be mine,
Let all my happiness be yours
All your sadness be mine,
Let the whole world be yours,
Only you be mine

You brighten my day with the sound of your voice, you bring so much laughter and love, you are everything to me and I was so blessed when god sent you here for me.

If you say my eyes are beautiful, it’s because they are looking at you, for my eyes are just the windows my feelings come through!

My days and nights
Are spent thinking of you
My dreams have come true
Now that you are in my life
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Meeting you was fate, becoming you’re friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control.

Today, I give you 12 roses, 11 of them are real, and the last one is fake, and I will love u until that last rose dies.

I wish I Could be your tears,
To be born in your eyes and to die on your lips.
But if You were my tears,
I would never cry in fear of losing You.

A special smile a special face. A special someone I cant replace. I love you I always will. You’ve filled a space no one can fill!

I have liked many but loved very few. Yet no-one has been as sweet as you. I’d stand and wait in the world’s longest queue. Just for the pleasure of a moment with you.

You may be out of my sight, but not out of my heart. You may be out of my reach, but not out of my mind. I may mean nothing to u, but you’ll always be special to me.

There are millions of people
But no one is like you
I feel such deep feelings
Because I LOVE YOU
No one in this world has such grace
No one is so able to fill your place
You always know but I never say
My LOVE for you grows with every passing day

To have a beautiful life;
Either, one must have a True Lover
Or, One must have a True Friend who Really Cares,
I am lucky, I found both in You

It is not being in love that makes me happy… but, it is being in love with YOU that makes me happy.

Quietly you came into my life, Gently you drew me closer, You touched a place deeply in my heart, And now you have become my sweetheart, Happy Valentine’s for days together and apart.

You Love me and I love you. Period.
That’s what matters.
Love you!
Happy Valentine’s Day

Your love is like the sun that fills my life with brightness and warmth.

I thank God for giving me the heart that loves you.

I’ll love you as long as there is goodness in this world.

Valentine’s Day Messages for Her

They may call it love at first sight but I call it love at first interaction. Happy Valentine’s Day baby, I adore you!

There is nothing which can portray my feelings accurately. I Love You so much my darling!…. Happy Valentine’s Day

I don’t need genie, I have you! Happy Valentine’s Day.

There are only a few things which come without a “use-by” date, I am glad our love does. Happy Valentine’s Day!

The only thing I can’t live without is your absence in my life, let’s grow old together.

It’s always been you,
Happy Valentine’s Day!

The only thing I can’t live without is your absence in my life, let’s grow old together.

Often, words do not mean what I want them to mean, so I’ll just say this – make me yours.

You are the love of my life. I said it. I meant it And I’ll forever stand by it.

I never believed in Valentine’s day until I met you and finally knew how to celebrate a daly of love.

You can celebrate love each day but celebrating Valentines day with you makes my year so special.

Two hearts became one when you said to me that “I am the One”

Never did my heart skip a beat till I saw you getting on your knees.

I never knew how God destined us to meet but falling in love with a stranger is sweet indeed.

I never knew such
passion until I met you,
and now I cannot do without you;
for you are my life,
Happy Valentine’s Day

You showed me love like no one would, you made me laugh like no one would, you made me new like no one would.

You make me complete and your whisper makes my heart always skip a beat.

Behold my Valentine because you are going to be forever mine.

Fret not, if there is no love in this world, together we will make a new world for ourselves.

Happy Valentines! If I part with you then I’ll part with my own self. My every breath bears your name.

You are the only one who could understood every whisper of me. I am in love with you!

Love is a celebration of life and you have filled it with cheers.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

The sound of darkness on banks of a river is beautiful
Your fingers wrapping around my shoulders are divine
May I live your love forever
Happy Valentine’s day my dear!

This morning, I remembered you
This morning, I got your reply
You said, I live with you
You said, find me with in you.

Your eyes don’t need any tears
Your love doesn’t need any proof
Depth of your love is such
Ocean feel humbled & droll
Happy Valentine’s Day My Dear!

The more you love me
The more grows my need for your love
Your love has set me free and thrown away my shackles
I love your my Valentine!

Life hadn’t discovered me till you came to my life
Happy Valentine’s day my love!

Your love lives with me
Your love makes me live
Your love is my life
Your love is my being!

With your love so pure
I’ve no else ills and need no cure
Happy Valentine’s Day my love!

Time knows, reason speaks,
heart listens & lips read
Happy valentine’s Day My Dear!

My love has no purpose
My love needs no prayers
My love has no logic
My love has no layers
Happy Valentine’s Day My Dear!

I cannot frame your love
I cannot emulate your sincerity
I cannot picture your emotion
I cannot perfect your calirty
So good that you are my Valentine

Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It’s not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end.

Valentine’s Day Wishes for Wife

I can never forget the day we met, the day we confessed our love and the day you became my better half. I love you. Happy Valentines’ Day

I may not say it every day,
but I feel it always…
you’re that best thing that ever happened to me
and I’m grateful to have such a wonderful woman like you in my life.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

You mean everything to me, you are my love, my life and my Wife.
Happy Valentines’ Day baby!

I feel proud of the love you shower on me. Love you, too. Happy Valentine’s Day.
For me, everyday is Valentine’s Day
For I see your beauty everyday
I am so lucky to have you as my Valentine.
Happy Valentines Day, my dear!

I know I say it all the time, and I hope it doesn’t lose it’s meaning with you, because I really do love you.
Happy Valentine’s Day

I am extremely blessed to have you as my wife and my Valentine. I appreciate all that you are and do. You are easy to love and a beautiful person. That’s why I want you as my Valentine.
Happy Valentine’s Day.

Happy Valentine’s Day! No seriously, cause if you’re not happy, I sure as hell won’t be.
The laughter, the smiles, and the tears, the memories we’ve shared through the years, a love on which I can depend, my sweetheart, my forever friend.

Even in a fairy tale where every dream comes true, I could never hope to find a partner as sweet as you.

If I spent a thousand years telling you how much I love you, it would never come close to the full breadth of my desire, devotion and adoration for you!

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