TEA Lovers DAY Messages And Quotes

TEA Lovers DAY Messages And QuotesDownload Image
Tea time is the time to slow down, pull back, relax and appreciate and enjoy our surroundings. Wish you a very happy International Tea Lovers Day.

Be Posi’TEA’ve, Be Crea’TEA’ve. Wish you a very happy International Tea Lovers Day.

The International Tea Day is the day for all the ‘chai’ lovers with ‘TEA’ positive blood.

There is nothing better than a freshly brewed cup of tea to start your morning. Wish you a very happy International Tea Lovers Day.

To everyone Tea is like a picnic indoors. Wish you a very happy International Tea Lovers Day.

The International Tea Lovers Day is all about having a cup of tea to restore your normality.

This International Tea Day create awareness about the problems faced by all the tea traders and take steps to help in solving them.

”If you are cold, Tea will warm you; If you are too heated, it will cool you; if you are depressed, it will cheer you; If you are excited, it will calm you.” Wish you a very happy international Tea Lovers Day.

Beauty and peace can not only be found in great things but also in small/little things which may seem nothing but yet make the moment priceless like Tea. Wish you a very happy International Tea Lovers Day.

Tea has the ability to fix anything for a person as it can appease his soul, even Armageddon. Wish you a very happy International Tea Lovers Day.

There are people who love to drink coffee and beer and get their hands dirty and fix stuff and there are people who have milk and juice and like to stay clean and appreciate stuff. The people who can do both, they drink Tea. Wish you a very happy International Tea Lovers Day.

There is no better feeling than a cup of Tea and a good book on a rainy day. Wish you a very happy International Tea Lovers Day.

The International Tea Day is all about celebrating the poetry and fine sentiment in a cup of Tea.

”Tea is like the magic key to the vault where your brain is kept.” Wish you a very Happy International Tea Lovers Day.

A cup of Tea has an exhilarating experience about it which the cheering influence of the afternoon or evening cup of coffee just cannot be expected to reproduce. Wish you a very happy International Tea Lovers Day.

Tea is like a religion of the art of life. Wish you a very happy International Tea Day.

On this International Tea Day, Find yourself a cup of tea and talk about the hundreds of things happening in peace with your friends and family.

Tea is the sanest thing in the world. It brings calm, quiet, contentment, and warmth to everyone’s hearts. Wish you a very happy International Tea Lovers Day.

Having tea becomes ritualistic, a part of your life that you cannot live without once you have it. So, celebrate this International Tea Day with a cup of tea.

No problem in this world can be ameliorated by a cup of tea. Wish you a very happy International Tea Lovers Day.

The nature of tea can help to lead you into a world with quiet contemplation of life. Wish you a very happy International Tea Lovers Day.

“The proper and wise balancing of one’s whole life may depend upon the feasibility of a cup of tea at an unusual hour.” Wish you a very happy International Tea Lovers Day.

Teaism is a cult that can help to inculcate purity and harmony, the mystery of mutual charity, the romanticism of the social order and love. Wish you a very happy International Tea Lovers Day.

The International Tea Day is about Tea, a drink which is essentially a worship of the Imperfect, as it is a tender attempt to accomplish something possible in this impossible thing we know as life.

”I am in no way interested in immortality, but only in the taste of tea.” Wish you a very happy International Tea Lovers Day.

Tea can help you to transcend into time and space for all eternity. Wish you a very happy International Tea Lovers Day.

”Tea should be as bitter as wormwood and as sharp as a two-edged sword.” Wish you a very happy International Tea Lovers Day.

Tea is not just a drink but a ritual that can stop the world from falling on you. Wish you a very happy International Tea Lovers Day.

Tea is a drink that is very normal and very mundane but has the power to calm your soul and put your mind at ease. Wish you a very happy International Tea Lovers Day.

On International Tea Lovers Day has a cup of tea; savor the moment and the warmth and delicacy of taste and refreshment it gives you.

”If leeches ate peaches instead of my blood, then I would be free to drink tea in the mud.” Wish you a very happy International Tea Lovers Day.

”The afternoon glow is brightening the bamboos, the fountains are bubbling with delight, and the soughing of the pines is heard in our kettle.”

With a sip of a tea dream of evanescence and linger in the beautiful foolishness of things. Wish you a very happy International Tea Lovers Day.

This picture was submitted by Smita Haldankar.

See More here: TEA Lovers DAY


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